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Dexibuprofen suppository side effects?
2022-06-13 17:27:57    Access: 204  Author: spf4

  Compared with adults,children's resistance is very poor,so symptoms such as cold and fever often appear,and then they will have cough symptoms,and it is easy to cough up phlegm.At this time,the child's body will become very weak,and the appetite will be weak.It will also be greatly reduced,so we must seize the time for treatment.For example,we can use the drug Dexibuprofen Suppository to help with the treatment,so what are the side effects of Dexibuprofen Suppository.

  1.Most of the pathogens of respiratory tract infections in children are viruses,and there are no specific drugs.Under normal circumstances,the course of the disease is 3-5 days.Do not use antipyretics frequently in the early stage,which will reduce the body's resistance and prolong the course of the disease.Dexibuprofen Suppository This is a type of antipyretic that works quickly.The child can take this medicine when the fever reaches about 38 degrees.

  Second,the side effects of dextroibuprofen suppository are:

  1.Some pediatric patients may experience adverse reactions such as vomiting,nausea,indigestion,dizziness,and headache,and some patients may also experience symptoms of limb edema,lethargy,and sudden weight gain.

  2.Children who use dex-ibuprofen suppositories may also experience symptoms such as renal failure,bronchospasm,allergic nephritis,etc.Therefore,if these adverse reactions occur in children,you must go to the hospital for treatment in time.

  3.Before giving dextroibuprofen suppositories to children,you need to understand its precautions and its usage and dosage.In addition,if the patient is allergic to this drug,it needs to be banned.

  3.General antipyretic drugs should be considered when the body temperature exceeds 38 or 5 degrees Celsius,but physical cooling can be done first,and it will not go back.Generally,antipyretic suppositories can be used when the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees 5.It is recommended to drink more hot water for the baby.It is recommended to use antipyretic analgesics such as ibuprofen suppositories when the fever reaches 38 or 5 degrees,drink plenty of water,and pay attention to rest.

  Babies have a fever.Many parents are too impatient and continuously feed their children antipyretics in a short period of time.This is an extremely dangerous practice,which may lead to excessive drug overload in children,and even drug poisoning.Each time,the baby is fed the medicine according to the normal treatment amount,with an interval of 4 to 6 hours,and a maximum of 4 times a day.If the body temperature is lower than 38 or 5 degrees,the medicine can be stopped.The same goes for suppositories.

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