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The difference between ibuprofen, dexibuprofen and arginine ibuprofen
2022-06-13 17:25:30    Access: 218  Author: spf4

  One day,Auntie Zhang went to the pharmacy to buy ibuprofen sustained-release capsules.She saw that there were also dexbuprofen sustained-release capsules and arginine ibuprofen granules,so she didn't know how to choose.So,as a pharmacy person,do you know the difference between the three?

  The characteristics of the three

  Ibuprofen tablets(sustained-release tablets,capsules,sustained-release capsules,suspensions)

  Indications:For the relief of mild to moderate pain such as headache,joint pain,migraine,toothache,muscle pain,neuralgia,dysmenorrhea.Also used for fever caused by the common cold or influenza.

  Efficacy Interpretation:It is an antipyretic and analgesic,non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.By inhibiting cyclooxygenase and reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins,it produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;it has an antipyretic effect through the hypothalamus thermoregulatory center.Clinical application of anti-rheumatic,for acute mild to moderate pain and fever.

  Sales reminder:This product is a symptomatic treatment drug.Self-medication should not be used for a long time or in large quantities.It should not be used for pain relief for more than 5 days,and for antipyretics for no more than 3 days.If the symptoms are not relieved,please consult a doctor or pharmacist.

  Gastrointestinal reactions are the most common adverse reactions,with bone marrow suppression and liver damage in high doses.Patients with severe liver and kidney insufficiency or severe heart failure are contraindicated.

  Interpretation of dosage form:sustained-release tablets and sustained-release capsules can gradually release the drug in the body.Pain relief for 12 hours per dose.The suspension has a sweet taste with a flavouring aroma and is suitable for children.

  Dexibuprofen Tablets(Dexibuprofen Capsules)


  1.Fever and headache caused by colds and other diseases;

  2.Reduce or eliminate mild to moderate pain or inflammation of:

  ①Sprain,strain,lower back pain,frozen shoulder,bursitis,tendon or tenosynovitis;

  ②Dysmenorrhea,gout,toothache or pain after surgery;

  ③Rheumatoid arthritis,osteoarthritis and other seronegative(non-rheumatoid)joint diseases.

  Sales reminder:Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited.

  Efficacy Interpretation:Dex-ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug,which is the active ingredient of ibuprofen.It mainly inhibits the synthesis of cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin to achieve anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects,and has an antipyretic effect through the hypothalamus thermoregulation center.The effect is stronger than that of ibuprofen,and the onset is faster.

  Interpretation of dosage form:The indications of tablets and capsules are roughly the same,please refer to their respective drug inserts for details.

  Arginine ibuprofen granules

  Indications:For toothache,dysmenorrhea,pain caused by trauma(eg,sports injury),joint and ligament pain,back pain,headache,and fever caused by influenza.

  Efficacy interpretation:It is ibuprofen arginine salt,which improves the solubility of ibuprofen and absorbs faster than ibuprofen.It can relieve pain within 15-30 minutes after taking the drug.And can play analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects,the treatment effect is good.

  Use moderate doses,1200 mg per day,mainly for antipyretic and analgesic effects.Large doses have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

  Sales reminder:This product is a symptomatic treatment drug,and should not be used for a long time or in large quantities.It should not be used for more than 5 days for pain relief and 3 days for antipyretic.If the symptoms do not relieve,please consult a doctor or pharmacist.

  The difference between the three

  Similarities:All three are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,which can inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and have analgesic,anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.Both can be used to relieve mild to moderate pain such as headache,joint pain,migraine,toothache,muscle pain,neuralgia,dysmenorrhea,and fever caused by the common cold or influenza.


  Ibuprofen:It can inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and has analgesic,antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

  Dex-ibuprofen:The active ingredient of ibuprofen.It exhibits anti-inflammatory,analgesic and antipyretic effects by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins or other inflammatory mediators.The effect is stronger than that of ibuprofen,and the onset is faster.

  Arginine ibuprofen granules:It is ibuprofen arginine salt,which improves the solubility of ibuprofen and absorbs faster than ibuprofen.It is mainly absorbed through the small intestine,and there is no report of accumulation.

  In addition,most of ibuprofen tablets(sustained-release tablets,capsules,sustained-release capsules,suspensions)and arginine ibuprofen granules are over-the-counter drugs,while dextro(rotation)ibuprofen tablets(capsules)are prescription drugs.

  This article is transferred from Sohu account:pharmacy manager(this article is for professional reference only)

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