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Is ibuprofen really a panacea? alert! Do not use in these situations
2022-06-13 17:23:42    访问:265  作者:spf4

  I believe that many people are no strangers to ibuprofen,especially female friends.We take an ibuprofen selectively when we have a stomachache,when we have a headache,and when we have a fever.Even many people take ibuprofen no matter where the pain is,so is ibuprofen really a universal pain reliever?What are the side effects of taking too much ibuprofen?

  What is ibuprofen

  Ibuprofen is an antipyretic analgesic,non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.This product inhibits cyclooxygenase,reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins,produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects,and has antipyretic effects through the hypothalamus thermoregulatory center.

  The efficacy and role of ibuprofen

  Dex-ibuprofen has antipyretic,analgesic,and anti-inflammatory effects.This drug belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is an isomer of ibuprofen.The mechanism of action is the same as ibuprofen,mainly by inhibiting cyclooxygenase,reducing the synthesis and release of prostaglandins,and has antipyretic,analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.Compared with ibuprofen,dextro-ibuprofen has a faster onset time and stronger effect.Clinically,Dexibuprofen can be used to relieve fever,as well as mild and moderate pain,such as headache,joint pain,neuralgia,muscle pain,toothache,dysmenorrhea and other related symptoms.

  It is necessary to pay attention to the use of this drug,not to drink alcohol during the medication period,and it is not recommended to use this drug for a long time and continuously.Care should also be taken when using d-ibuprofen,and concomitant administration of drugs with the same or similar pharmacological effects as d-ibuprofen should be avoided.

  When not to take ibuprofen

  1.Have a heart attack:While taking low-dose aspirin can help prevent heart attacks,other pain relievers in the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAIDs)family,including ibuprofen,are associated with the chance of a heart attack or stroke There is a correlation between the rises.The risk is greater in the first month of taking NSAIDs and in people taking high doses.

  2.Taking anticoagulant drugs:Anticoagulants(such as warfarin)and antiplatelet drugs(such as clopidogrel)can prevent blood clots from forming.The former is usually reserved for high-risk stroke patients(such as atrial fibrillation or patients undergoing prosthetic heart valve replacement surgery),or patients with pulmonary embolism.The latter is usually reserved for patients who have already had a heart attack or stroke,as a way to prevent them from having another heart attack.Combining these drugs with ibuprofen increases the risk of bleeding complications.

  3.Gastrointestinal problems:Not only does ibuprofen irritate the lining of blood vessels in the stomach and intestines,but it also reduces blood flow in the area and impairs its own ability to repair.If you already have digestive problems(such as inflammatory bowel disease,or IBD),take these medications with caution,as they are not effective for pain associated with IBD.

  4.Pregnancy:Ibuprofen can cause fetal harm,increase the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester,and increase the risk of fetal heart defects in the third trimester.Pregnant women should also not take ibuprofen during labor because it may cause prolonged bleeding.

  5.Urinary tract infection:NSAIDs may be useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections.In addition to relieving pain,it can reduce relapses and help avoid antibiotic resistance.

  6.Arthritis:Arthritis patients take ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time to treat pain caused by arthritis.Due to its negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.In people with rheumatoid arthritis,taking NSAIDs is not enough to control inflammation to prevent further joint damage.

  7.Drinking alcohol:Both alcohol and NSAIDs can irritate the stomach.Combining the two results in greater stomach irritation and an increased risk of stomach ulcers and liver damage.

  8.Have asthma:Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs suppress inflammation by inhibiting an enzyme that reduces the production of substances called prostaglandins,which aid in healing.Intervention with prostaglandins may worsen asthma.

  Who should not take ibuprofen

  1.Pregnant women and lactating women:The third week to the end of the third month of pregnancy is an important period for the differentiation and formation of various organs of the embryo,which belongs to the"highly sensitive period of teratogenicity".development has a significant impact.Pregnant women in the third trimester take ibuprofen,which can prolong pregnancy and cause dystocia,or prolong labor.After breastfeeding mothers take ibuprofen,the drug may be absorbed by the baby through breast milk,so pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not use ibuprofen.

  2.Patients with allergic rhinitis,asthma and nasal polyps:People with allergic rhinitis,asthma and nasal polyps should be cautious when using ibuprofen for the first time.Because ibuprofen has the potential to induce bronchospasm,it can aggravate or induce asthma,especially mild to moderate asthma,and it should be banned in children.

  3.Patients with renal insufficiency:Ibuprofen is used as an antipyretic and analgesic.If it is taken in a short period of time,if it is used in large quantities for a long time,renal function damage may occur after ibuprofen.Therefore,ibuprofen should be disabled for patients with renal insufficiency.

  4.Patients with blood diseases:ibuprofen may prolong the bleeding time or aggravate the tendency of bleeding,so patients with blood diseases should use ibuprofen with caution.

  5.Patients with cardiac insufficiency,high blood pressure,edema and systemic lupus erythematosus:taking ibuprofen may cause water retention and edema in patients.In patients with lupus erythematosus,the risk of allergic reactions is very high when taking ibuprofen,so it is necessary to Use with caution.

  6.The infirm and the elderly should be used with caution:the elderly should use ibuprofen with caution,mainly because the physical decline of the elderly may be accompanied by arteriosclerosis,cardiac function decline,and chronic diseases of liver and kidney dysfunction,taking normal doses of Ibuprofen Adverse drug reactions may also occur with profen.

  7.History of peptic ulcer:Taking ibuprofen is prone to gastrointestinal side effects,including the development of new ulcers,so people with a history of peptic ulcer or those with potential risk factors should use it with caution.

  8.Those who are allergic to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:ibuprofen is an antipyretic,analgesic,and anti-inflammatory drug,and is allergic to the same type of drugs such as aspirin,analgin,indomethacin,phenylbutazone,etc.people should also be banned from this drug.

  What are the long-term side effects of ibuprofen

  Ibuprofen is a drug.Taking too much of any drug will have side effects.In fact,it is not a side effect,but a toxic effect.Because the dose cannot be increased arbitrarily,normal use of ibuprofen has side effects.

  1.It has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.If you have stomach problems or ulcers,or patients taking immunosuppressants,you should be especially careful when using ibuprofen.It is recommended not to eat on an empty stomach,because it may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract,and the gastrointestinal tract may be damaged or inflamed.If the medicine is taken,it may be aggravated and may also cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

  2.Ibuprofen has the effect of reducing fever.If a fever patient eats ibuprofen,they may sweat profusely,especially the elderly who have poor physical fitness.If they sweat a lot,profuse sweating will cause prostration.,blood pressure drop.

  3.Ibuprofen can also cause damage to liver and kidney functions,because detoxification may require liver organs,so long-term use should pay attention to checking the functions of liver and kidney organs.

  Health reminder:It is a three-point drug.No matter what kind of drug we take in our daily life,it is harmful to our body,so we must take it on time and according to the amount.If the dose is increased,it may cause irreversible harm to our body.

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